
My photo
Aber, United Kingdom
I'm 17 and I love food, clothes, internet and dreaming...

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Facebook Free for a Week

So finally I found the willpower to deactivate my Facebook account.
Funnily enough, instead of dreading it like I thought I would, I have actually found that life is more peaceful and simple. Never in a hundred years would I have thought I would be able to live without Facebook!
Ok, so its only been a week, and yes I have been missing it like a drug addict....but its a good start!
I would say the only downside is that I have been a social outcast for the past week :(
But thats ok because I have been occupying myself in the most exciting ways possible:

1. Going for long walks with a girlfriend

2. Decorating my room

3. Buying wrong hair dye, and not being able to dye my hair anyway because a lamp fell on my head the last minute -.- 3 days of unwashed hair for nothing. -.-

Ok, so I exaggerated, my week hasn't been terribly exciting at all, but hey at least I'm:

Tuesday 2 August 2011

I'm Clumsy this week..

Im living on my own in Cardiff! :D Its all very exciting. Im doing some research work experience at the university hospital here so im getting to live the full student experience! only for a month though. Its only my third day here and so far Ive already managed to:
1. Narrowly escape being hit by a lorry
2. Get lost and walk an extra ten billion miles than I need to, which led to...
3. Being late on the first day of work
4. Locking myself out of my room whilst getting food
Im hoping things will not get any worse!

Anyway, Ive managed to get internet access here and so I'm going to upload a look. I was going to upload one last week but I've lost the picture :( silly me.
:) I'm feeling the summer vibe here in Cardiff, it's hot everyday! which is strange to experience..

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Feels like December in July...

Yesterday was a cold cold cold day so this was my look :) I was on my way out and the wind hit me like at 50 miles per hour :S (okay i exaggerate...)
My leaf earrings :)
I <3 my new blazer :) it was on sale for £10 and it was the last one left so i grabbed it...bargain! The elephant tank top is from Primark, the white shirt is my mothers (hehe) from Dorothy Perkins. Actually i wish summer would last forever here, it's like sale season forever...

Sunday 17 July 2011

Fresh faced...

I bought this new top today and looking in the mirror, i decided that it made me look fresh faced and clean. :) It was on sale for £15 in Dorothy Perkins and it has a sort of lacy detailing and eyelets. Its sooo pretty :D

Friday 15 July 2011

Summer silhouettes...

So its summer! And with summer comes a whole season of new clothes and new experiences and new trends! 
Anyway, lately I've been attempting to get more in touch with the 'creative' side of myself, therefore I have been going on summery walks and taking summery photos and attempting to wear summery trends and clothes :D

So this is the river beside my house, I had to climb a tree to get this angle...
I'm wearing a Primark top! But it's all colourblocked so :D

Me from the back, I <3 this scarf, it was a present from a relative from China, I think the colours merge well with the surroundings, if you looked really closely you can see that its a giant picture ..

I used a sepia option for this picture, think it gives a more vintage vibe...

Thursday 16 June 2011


Gosh its been so long since I've blogged :S
Although no-one actually reads this anyway, so i just sort of treat it like an online diary...
but its summer! yay!
so happy! hahaha
my exams are ovvvveeerrr! until january :S
I hope they went well, i had my last one today which was mechanics.
Which I c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e-l-y failed. I messed up this last question which was worth 9 marks
although whilst doing it, i didnt feel panicked at all, but now its finally hitting me. sort of like a delayed reaction so im freaking out, hence me freaking out here like a maniac. i didnt want to bother my friends and bore them -_-
but its seriously weird, my whole attitude to this exam was like delayed. s-i-g-h
oh well, nothing i can do now but resits next year :'(

Tuesday 2 November 2010

^.^ Halloween

I <3 Halloween ^.^
It's such an awesome time of the year
And it's the one day where you purposely try to make yourself look bad ^.^
Me: Goth prom queen. Middle: Zombie Bride Right: Mime Artists
Fun Fun ^.^